Delphi 2011: What components to use?

We’re heading to Delphi 2011 (which will bring Delphi on Macs and Linux) and after this we’ll have yet another hurdle which is 64-bit compiling. With so many convoluted paths (ok, ok, the team will do the best to make the transition(s) as smooth as possible, but still…) a question arises: What components shall we use?… Continue reading

Community pulse: Undo in form designer.

reaching-the-sky-lOne of the main drawbacks of our IDE is the lack of Undo in the Form Designer. I thought that it was a matter of time to do it, but when I read this thread I figured out that the problem can be also elsewhere… …besides of the assumptions about what the community thinks about something. 😉 Continue reading

What means RAD anyway?

ClimbingOnce upon a time, Rapid Application Development “meant” IDE. This was Turbo Pascal. One could way faster work with an integrated environment rather than with disparate programs trying to fit them together in order to form a toolchain.

After this was the Visual bubble. The Form Designer with an Object Inspector near to it in order to speed up the GUI development process. This was Delphi and Visual Basic… Continue reading

RAD Studio 2010 Review #4: Project Management Enhancements

RADStudio 2010Before having a quick look at the new nice things related to the Project Management in RAD Studio 2010 let me remind you that we’re talking about a pre-release beta. Everything can change till release. Also, let us not forget to thank Embarcadero for allowing us to talk about these things.

Before entering in the dry overview some of the features let me stress something: I think that these small features are very important. But, perhaps, not in the way in which one would think at the first glance… Continue reading

RAD Studio 2010 Review #3: Debug Visualizers.

RADStudio 2010Guys, don’t forget that we’re talking about a pre-release beta. Everything can change till release. Also, all our gratitude for Embarcadero for allowing us to talk about these things.

…Once upon a time was a command line compiler. In text mode. You wrote the source in another editor. In text mode also. But the times changed. First, appeared the IDE. All together, way better. In the old text mode.  The notion of integrated debugger appeared. What a relief. But in the text mode. But the times changed. We got graphical GUIs. We got form designers. Graphical. But the debugger remained, basically the same. In the old text mode, even if the text was shown in a graphical GUI. But not anymore… Continue reading

RAD Studio 2010 Review #2: The new old Component Toolbar.

RADStudio 2010…First the legal flotsam: We’re talking about a pre-release beta. Everything can change till release. Also, a big ‘thank you’ goes to Embarcadero for allowing me to do this.

Second, do these steps:

  1. Buy the RAD Studio 2010 (hold on a little on this… 🙂 )
  2. Install the product. (a very quick & pleasant experience)
  3. Open the IDE (it will be fast – don’t go for a coffee)
  4. Right-click in the Toolbar Area.
  5. Choose ‘Component’ from the Popup menu which appears.

And… Continue reading